The End of an Era

The era I am currently in is the one where the kids are under 5 years of age. I call it, “The Bubble”. I wrote an entry about it when Abbey was first born that I never published here. Because, well, Abbey was just born. But here it is in its entirety. “There’s this episode…

40 Nights of Madness

So, I made the horrible mistake of giving up mindless activities for Lent. The guidelines I set for myself are: 1. TV is okay as long as it is purposeful TV. No reruns, no turning on just for background noise. 2. FB is okay as long as there is intent to write a message, curious…

The Wrath of Concerned Disappointed Eyes

I was at the Trader Joe’s counter paying for my groceries, a last minute errand while PJ was at the sitter. The lady had stuffed my bag super full. I was pretty amazed at her bag-stuffing talent. She looked at me over the counter and said, “It’s pretty heavy. Is that ok?” I said, “Oh…

Life Coaches

A few years back, in the midst of my own “Quarter Life Crisis” disillusionment, I gave up on finding my own “Mr. Miyagi”. As in I stopped looking for someone or something to give me all the answers or ask the right questions– a wise person, a base religion, a book. Nope, for me, it…