The End of an Era

The era I am currently in is the one where the kids are under 5 years of age. I call it, “The Bubble”. I wrote an entry about it when Abbey was first born that I never published here. Because, well, Abbey was just born. But here it is in its entirety. “There’s this episode…

Quit Judging

I’m struggling with comparisons. I know Desiderata says, “ If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” But I find it hard to know what to do instead of that. This is my whole struggle with judgement. In a mom’s world, how do…

Don’t Push

It’s weird. I’m usually told to “push” myself, like when you’re physically running, tired, and want to stop. Or when you’re in school trying to stay awake wee hours in the morning to get an assignment done. Or when you reach your emotional breaking point and you’re told to just push through it and you’ll…

35 weeks

It’s close. It’s really close now.Today marks 35 weeks into Abbey’s stay in my womb. Four weeks before I’m in the technical “safe zone” to deliver. Three weeks before I go on the date I set as “maternity leave”. That’s one week before I’m in the clear to having the labor at my regular hospital.…

Dear Jazzy

I get those emails once in awhile that say stuff like, “check out what moms are saying about children your age!”. I haven’t really checked much on it lately, but decided to browse it yesterday. Most of the time it’s just moms trashing other moms for their parenting style, but it actually wasn’t too bad…

Refresh/Reset button, please

I miss the days where I used to wake up raring to start the day. The ones where I didn’t pause in the shower after spacing wondering whether or not I shampooed yet or not.. then just end up doing it twice. The ones where the sun coming out didn’t just put me in a…